Healthcare made easy with Biosensors and Telemedicine

  • April 7, 2022
  • By admin

Healthcare made easy with Biosensors and Telemedicine

Accessories made health-conscious with wearable biosensors

With the increasing population and modernization, there is a prevalence of chronic disease, weak immune system, cardiac disease, etc. The healthcare systems are becoming more individual-centric rather than hospital-centric. The focus is on minimizing the health problems and reducing the burden on the healthcare system. The major step taken towards improving health is monitoring the vital signs and other body parameters regularly. Although, it is not possible to assign a healthcare professional for monitoring the vital signs of a large population. Hence along with the advancements in science and technology, a variety of biosensors are available in the market for health monitoring.

Biosensors and trackers to monitor patients

Biosensors are devices that detect body components and give relatable signals on the basis of their biological reaction. The biosensors are widely used in the detection of diseases, diagnosis, treatment, patient health monitoring, and human health management. A typical biosensor consists of two components, a biorecognition system or bioreceptor, and a physicochemical transducer such as optical, electrochemical, piezoelectric, and thermal (2) . The bioreceptors are generally biological components like antibodies, enzymes, complementary proteins, complementary DNA or RNA sequences, cells, or microorganisms. Depending on the compatible analyte for the receptor the bioreceptor receives the signals. These biological molecules react to emit some signaling molecules which are in turn received by the transducer. The transducer is either an electrode, thermistor, photon counter, electrochemical or piezoelectric inducer, which converts the biological signals into recognizable results. There are biosensors available that can monitor vital signs like blood pressure, blood glucose level, saturated oxygen levels, body temperatures, hypertension, etc. These biosensors will prove to aid telemedicine.

Digitalizing healthcare with telemedicine

The most challenging part of the healthcare industry is to make the facilities available to every individual in need. The WHO’s mission aims for health-for-all by the 21st century. To achieve this, attempts were made over the past 20-30 years. Now, with the advancement in telecommunication, telemedicine facilities have paved the way. The emerging healthcare inventions are efficiently using technology to make healthcare easier. With the telecommunication innovations now, it is possible to get health advice with a click. Telemedicine has made it possible to deliver healthcare information across distances. The word ‘tele’ derives from the Greek language meaning ‘at a distance’. Hence, telemedicine refers to medication from a distance (1) . It allows healthcare professionals, physicians, and consultants to reach the patients’ distance apart. Telecommunication facilities have revolutionized communication possibilities across the world. Telemedicine is not a separate technology but it is just a collaboration of telecommunication and the field of medicine. After the pandemic, the importance and use of telemedicine have increased and also it has become more acceptable. It allows diagnosis, treatment, prevention of disease, also the education of healthcare providers and consumers at a distance. It saves a lot of commute time, reduces waiting hours at the hospitals, and is available within flexible timings. Biosensors allow the monitoring of health without the need to physically be in the hospital(1).

Wearable biosensors advanced telehealth

Wearable biosensors are now available in various forms like smartwatches, fitness bands, gloves, helmets or caps, smart clothing or E-textiles, tattoos, implants, smart chips inserted in the skin, etc. These wearables are utilized to monitor blood pressure, heart rate, hypertension, mental health, and metabolic health. There is skin imitating lab-on-patches available that are engineered using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with an integrated microfluidic collection system (2) . A group of researchers has developed a device named “SKINTRONIC” that senses the ectodermal signals through galvanizing skin responses and determines the stress levels. ‘Cavitas’ are wearable biosensors that sense the biological fluids from body cavities such as contact lenses or mouthguards. For glucose monitoring through saliva, mouthguard sensors based on MEMS (microelectrochemical system) are immobilized with glucose oxidase enzymes. The concept of E-textiles was first defined in Japan. In E-textiles the fibre and filaments are fabricated with enzyme-based systems or woven with conductive tools, also there are some hydrogel-elastomer hybrids that encapsulate bacterial cells or their components to detect biological signals. The E-textile is fabricated to receive environmental as well as body signals (2) . The major application of E-textile is in managing mental health by detecting stress levels. These wearables have added advantages in promoting telemedicine facilities. The physicians can get real-time monitoring of the patient’s vital signs or metabolic levels. This approach has helped in the health surveillance of patients suffering from cardiovascular disease. The cases of mortality due to cardiac arrest can be reduced with the help of biosensors and telemedicine. There are specific biosensors for pediatric use to monitor the symptoms of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that help in quick treatments.


1. Craig, J., & Patterson, V. (2005). Introduction to the practice of telemedicine. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare , 11 (1), 3–9.

2. Sharma, A., Badea, M., Tiwari, S., & Marty, J. L. (2021). Wearable Biosensors: An Alternative and Practical Approach in Healthcare and Disease Monitoring. Molecules , 26 (3), 748.

3. wearable-biosensors-IJERTCONV6IS17020—Google Search . (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2022, from

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