Telehealth- Future of health care

  • July 6, 2022
  • By admin

Telehealth- Future of health care

Telehealth, a brand-new term that started gaining prominence throughout the pandemic. Telehealth became a robust medium for hospitals, clinics and doctors at the height of the pandemic to reach out to patient while minimizing human contact.

Telehealth has to but enabled the transition to consumer-centric care paradigms as there was a necessity to create social distancing in an extremely safe setting.

Telehealth Market size and growth:

According to the Centers for Wellness Management / (CDC), telehealth utilization spiked by about 154% in late March of 2020 compared to 2019. The market is anticipated to rise to over $397 billion USD by 2027 following current predictions created by Fortune Business Insight.

Simply put, telehealth uses varied communication technologies like videos via apps or webcams, phones, or video conference platforms to deliver medical services to patients while maintaining social distancing. Before the pandemic, telehealth services were sometimes restricted. Originally, they were created to support rural and underprivileged patients living in inaccessible and remote areas. Due to the raise in the upwardly mobile population in rural & remote areas many medical facilities are now accessible via their mobile devices.

Telemedicine facilitates contact-free consultations, which implies doctors do not have to place themselves or others in danger. If a patient falls unwell, he will fix a virtual appointment with the concerned Doctor using any of the communication devices mentioned above. The Doctor will then meet the patient virtually and offer advice and prescribe the necessary drugs to be taken by the patient if needed. Telemedicine and telehealth are equally convenient for health care professionals and patients alike. It eliminates packed waiting rooms and long waits; patients will get care within the comfort of their homes and venture to a physical location only if any tests or alternative procedures are imperative. Healthcare Sector has further enhanced their services by offering services such as home delivery of prescription drugs & home collection of samples for laboratory testing, further reducing the necessity for the patient venture out of his house or break from work for such requirements.

Changing the view of Healthcare:

Telemedicine will provide some specialty practitioners an advantage as a result of which they’ll see you in your home surroundings. as an example, allergists can diagnose patients based on their surroundings and determine the cause of allergies. Neurologists and physical therapists will observe and assess the patient’s ability to navigate within their homes.

Telemedicine is additionally a best way to get mental state assessment and direction. Regular visits to the medical practitioners such as general medicine and medical specialists can be avoided. Telemedicine makes it simple to connect with a doctor or a registered nurse.

Post Covid:

The Covid-19 pandemic changed healthcare. Clinic closures, overflowing emergency rooms, disruptions to routine care, doctor shortages became the new normal and the entire industry was stretched thin. This, combined with social distancing and lockdowns, drove a sudden mass adoption to telehealth, while also highlighting weaknesses in the system.

It is safe to say that the widespread acceptance of telehealth has since been established and that it is now seen broadly as a viable option for care. However, there are gaps in what the most basic version of telehealth can provide when it comes to diagnostics, data security, and accessibility. According to a recent Prosper Insights & Analytics Survey, over 36% of adults have used a telemedicine service during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The gap emerges when it comes to the doctor’s ability to diagnose a patient remotely. It is not always possible for doctors to properly assess and diagnose conditions through phone calls or Zoom alone. This means that more often than not, many patients who sit for a remote consultation then need to follow-up in-person.

There are also accessibility issues, because not everyone has access to a high-quality mobile device or personal computer that they can use in a private, secure space with a stable internet connection. And there are others who have difficulty using computers altogether.

Telemedicine came to limelight during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, there is adequate policy clarity, and the healthcare sector is also geared up for optimum growth. The implementation of NDHM (National Digital Health Mission) additionally means the govt. is probably going to observe the protection, privacy and quality standards of the solutions offered by startups within the telemedicine and on-line pharmacy sectors. Alternative initiatives like the State Telemedicine Network (STN) also are on the cards, sanctioning telemedicine players to grow well in Tier two & three cities and remote areas. The massive challenge however is that patients from far-flung places don’t seem to be tech-savvy. Hence, awareness programs should be developed and propagated directly in such far-flung and remote areas.

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